
Do you ever wish you could go back in time and tell your past self the things you know now? You need to read these letters from inspirational people saying what they wish they could have said at the time. Our A Letter To series is full of people writing what they needed to hear when they were still figuring things out.

"To my Trans folks who have the ability to get pregnant"

To my Trans folks who have the ability to get pregnant

"A letter to a sex obsessed teen, don’t change…."

A letter to a sex obsessed teen, don’t change….

"Letter To My Teacher: My Take On Sex Education"

A Letter To My Teacher: My Take On Sex Education

"A Letter to my younger self - Babe, your vulva is fine"

A Letter to my younger self – Babe, your vulva is fine

"A Letter To My Newly Non-Monogamous Self"

A Letter To My Newly Non-Monogamous Self

"A letter to the me who did not say no"

A Letter To The Me Who Did Not Say No

"a letter to" "The hormonal house party of your teenage years is over."

Alice Pelton: A Letter To My 20-Year-Old Self

Illustration of Georgette Olaiya

Georgette Olaiya: A Letter To My Younger Self

"Your rampant pleasure - seeking, experiences will leas you to become a professional sexpert." illustrated portrait of woman

Almaz Ohene: A Letter To My Younger Self – The Way You Choose To Express Your Sexuality Is Valid

"They might not knowit, but you and the girls in your year group are playing a game. The winner is the girl who has sex first."

Anouszka Tate: A Letter To My Teenage Self And Best Mate L

illustrated portrait of a woman with glasses "With courage, Hollie-Anne Brooks"

Hollie-Anne Brooks: A Letter To My Newly Disabled Self

"I now know there's nothing shameful about casual sex - but it's much better when it's safe." illustrated portrait of woman

Kimberly McIntosh: A Letter To All The Boys I Banged Before

"a letter to my younger self"

Kieran Yates: Dear my younger self

"a letter to Shakira" "It's all fun and games until the day your period doesn't come."

Shakira Scott: A Letter To My Younger Self

"a letter to Kenny" "As transmen, we slipped through the gaps of sex education."

Kenny Ethan Jones: A Letter To My Trans Brothers

"a letter to younger me" "You'll come to learn something life-changing: How to have an orgasm"

Paisley Gilmour: A Letter To Younger Me

"A letter to Folrence" "The problem wasn't the sex or wven the ripped condom, it was how everyone around me dealt with it."

Florence Barkway: A Letter To My Younger Self

"A letter to my old gang from secondary school" "condoms willl not protect you form spiritually transmitted diseases" the saying went"

Yomi Adegoke: A Letter To My Old Friendship Group From Secondary School

"A letter to the girl who's too gay to get tested" "Sleeping with another woman might feel safe. That does not mean that it technically is."

Sophie Wilkinson: A Letter To The Girl Who’s Too Gay To Get Tested

"A letter to guy who refused to wear a condom" banner

Fran Bushe: A Letter To The Guy Who Refused To Wear A Condom

"a letter to you"

A Letter To: You, from ellaOne’s My Morning After