#MyMorningAfter stories

My Morning After Stories

Welcome to #MyMorningAfter stories, where people of all ages are sharing their real-life experiences of taking the morning after pill. Through speaking openly and honestly about emergency contraception, we can show everyone that they are not alone. Share your story and help stamp out the stigma around the morning after pill.

I want to thank ellaOne® for giving me reassurance when I was panicking!

I am grateful that he was there with me, but not grateful that he won’t just wear a condom!!

I went to a pharmacy and got ellaOne®

I’ve taken ellaOne® a few times!


I would very much recommend ellaOne®

A pregnancy would be life altering and I’m not in the position to afford a child

Everyone around us could figure why we were there but I wasn’t ashamed


I was pretty upset because we did everything that we were meant to do

I never thought I would be someone who needed to take the morning after pill

Condom split

It helped me a little in the aftermath of an extremely tough time


I used the morning after pill due to condom breaking


Normally I’m a condom girl, but I got carried away one evening


I have taken the morning after pill a few times

Line illustrated portrait

I wish I’d known more about the effectiveness of the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

My worst experience was when the lady behind the counter whispered to her father

Line illustration of a woman.

I got the morning after pill free from a local pharmacy once

Line illustration of a woman.

It feels like everybody in the pharmacy knows what you did

Line illustration of a woman.

It was really easy getting the morning after pill; the pharmacist was quick and discreet

Line illustration of a woman.

Taking it felt like nothing

Line illustration of a woman.

I realised I had missed two pills

Line illustration of a woman.

My girlfriend and I were caught in the heat and had unprotected sex

Line illustration of a woman.

I said I don’t have unprotected sex. She said “well you obviously do.”

Line illustration of a woman.

Why is everybody making a big deal out of it?

Line illustration of a woman.

The morning after pill helped me avoid an unwanted pregnancy

Line illustration of a woman.

I went to get the morning after pill with my boyfriend

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve used emergency contraception multiple times over the last 16 years

Line illustration of a woman.

I experienced fear and anxiety

Line illustration of a woman.

I had to take the morning after pill in front of a pharmacist

Line illustration of a woman.

My long term partner and I had an accident

Line illustration of a woman.

Women get bashed for taking precautions. No Uterus, no opinion

Line illustration of a woman.

Access to contraception should be much easier

Line illustration of a woman.

I went with my friend to get the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I have taken the morning after pill a handful of times

Line illustration of a woman.

Anyone who judges someone for taking the morning after pill is ignorant

Line illustration of a woman.

They wouldn’t allow my boyfriend to come with me

Line illustration of a woman.

Fear completely overcame me and I started to panic

Line illustration of a woman.

He used the ‘it’s all or nothing with me’

Line illustration of a woman.

The pharmacist wasn’t really asking my boyfriend any questions about what happened

Line illustration of a woman.

It gave me peace of mind before my next period

Line illustration of a woman.

I was embarrassed waiting for people to leave the shop

Line illustration of a woman.

I was worried about fertility and side effects but I didn’t experience any problems

Line illustration of a woman.

One condom split so off we went to get the morning after pill!

Line illustration of a woman.

I had read that ellaOne may be more effective

Line illustration of a woman.

I took the morning after pill after the birth of my second child

Line illustration of a woman.

My husband shares the responsibility of contraception with me

Line illustration of a woman.

I don’t think women think about being judged for taking the morning after pill until they’re lining up to get it

Line illustration of a woman.

I was very nervous and I felt ashamed and embarrassed

Line illustration of a woman.

It was my chance to take back control

Line illustration of a woman.

It’s just like other mistakes, but this was easily fixed

Line illustration of a woman.

I felt so awkward about other people knowing I had had sex

Line illustration of a woman.

Why does the woman always have to be shamed?

Line illustration of a woman.

I was being responsible and making an informed choice

Line illustration of a woman.

I had forgotten to take my pill the day before

Line illustration of a woman.

My partner and I use natural family planning

Line illustration of a woman.

I was marched down to the pharmacy by my mum

Line illustration of a woman.

We had a few drinks and ended up having sex

Line illustration of a woman.

I was in a long term relationship at a festival

Line illustration of a woman.

I felt stupid and embarrassed going to get the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

She said that I would have to wait an hour to see the pharmacist

Line illustration of a woman.

I was really nervous about taking the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

My boyfriend came with me to get the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve taken the morning after pill seven times

Line illustration of a woman.

I felt judged for not using long term hormonal contraception

Line illustration of a woman.

My sister was refused the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I got the morning after pill for the first time yesterday

Line illustration of a woman.

We had an awkward conversation about cycles and fertility

Line illustration of a woman.

I am 29 years old and have no intention of having children

Line illustration of a woman.

The lady asked my age and told me to go elsewhere

Line illustration of a woman.

I went into the pharmacy and asked for ellaOne

Line illustration of a woman.

The pharmacist was a really lovely guy and made me feel comfortable

Line illustration of a woman.

It was uncomfortable to ask but the pharmacist was quite lovely in the end

Line illustration of a woman.

It is my choice whether I want the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve felt quite judged every time I’ve used the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I woke up after a drunken mistake and decided it was best for me to get ellaOne

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve used the morning after pill with two different partners

Line illustration of a woman.

I only felt awkward at the pharmacy because I was embarrassed

Line illustration of a woman.

I didn’t understand how the morning after pill worked

Line illustration of a woman.

I was treated like a naughty child when I needed the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I went to the pharmacy and it wasn’t awkward

Line illustration of a woman.

We went halves on the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I have safe sex but accidents do happen

Line illustration of a woman.

It was nowhere near as scary as people make it out to be

Line illustration of a woman.

I felt completely alone going to the pharmacy

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve used emergency contraception twice with my partner

Line illustration of a woman.

It was a spur of the moment thing

Line illustration of a woman.

You can take emergency contraception up to five days after sex

Line illustration of a woman.

He wasn’t prepared to give it to me

Line illustration of a woman.

I felt ashamed for using condoms as my main form of contraception

Line illustration of a woman.

I’m not sure if I want to have kids anytime soon. I literally work with kids in a Nursery

Line illustration of a woman.

I’m not ashamed for doing the right thing for myself

Line illustration of a woman.

I sought emergency contraception during freshers week

Line illustration of a woman.

It doesn’t mean the woman is sleeping about

Line illustration of a woman.

It was my first time ever using a morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

It felt like they were treating me like an inconvenience

Line illustration of a woman.

I’d forgotten to take my pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I recently took the morning after pill for the first time

Line illustration of a woman.

We got caught up in the heat of the moment and didn’t use a condom

Line illustration of a woman.

I asked for ellaOne as I’d seen it is ‘the most effective’ morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

We all deserve to access emergency contraception free of judgement

Line illustration of a woman.

I remember being scared of asking a pharmacist for the pill in front of other people

Line illustration of a woman.

The whole purchase process made me feel nervous

Line illustration of a woman.

I realised we didn’t use any protection

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve taken the morning after pill twice. I didn’t get pregnant.

Line illustration of a woman.

I found her tone to be very judgemental

Line illustration of a woman.

Stay away from men that will prioritise their pleasure over your safety

Line illustration of a woman.

I live with 3 girls and I found ellaOne packaging in our shared recycling

Line illustration of a woman.

I didn’t really have any side effects. I went flying to another place that day

Line illustration of a woman.

My boyfriend helped and supported my choice

Line illustration of a woman.

The young pharmacist seemed more embarrassed than me

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve always used condoms as my primary form of contraception

Line illustrated portrait

Let’s break this judgement and stigma together!

Line illustration of a woman.

The pharmacy was professional. I didn’t feel embarrassed at all

Line illustration of a woman.

I decided to go and get the ellaOne morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I had been single for 7 years and decided to ‘get back on the horse’

Line illustration of a woman.

I lost my virginity two days ago

Line illustration of a woman.

I went to the sexual health clinic in a panic

Line illustration of a woman.

I used the morning after pill because the condom snapped

Line illustration of a woman.

I was refused the morning after pill at two different pharmacies

Line illustration of a woman.

It took me 3 days to work up the courage to get the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I had no side effects and felt more relaxed

Line illustration of a woman.

I didn’t ask him to use a condom. I felt embarrassed to

Line illustration of a woman.

Contraception is a responsibility that women just deal with, often silently

Line illustration of a woman.

I got a text to say the condom had split

Line illustration of a woman.

I felt like I had let myself down and women down

Line illustration of a woman.

The pharmacists were all understanding and didn’t judge

Line illustration of a woman.

I often find that people are surprised when I talk candidly about it

Line illustration of a woman.

I got the morning after pill after a one night stand in University

Line illustration of a woman.

I really would have benefitted from knowing a bit more about it

Line illustration of a woman.

I think there’s a certain stigma that you’ve been careless

Line illustration of a woman.

I was very insistent that the guy wore a condom, but halfway through he removed it

Line illustration of a woman.

I took the morning after pill when I was 36

Line illustration of a woman.

I have a child and I’ve used the morning after pill a couple of times

Line illustration of a woman.

I didn’t feel judged or threatened

Line illustration of a woman.

The pharmacy staff took my mind off it

Line illustration of a woman.

My husband and I went to the pharmacy and got the morning-after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I didn’t know about the morning after pill until I was 19

Line illustration of a woman.

I will always be thankful for having the opportunity of such a “rescue” at that moment

Line illustration of a woman.

I was a student. I was using condoms and it came off

Line illustration of a woman.

I had honestly always thought that condoms breaking was an urban myth

Line illustration of a woman.

I was relieved, it made me feel much less embarrassed

Line illustration of a woman.

I just felt quite judged, like I had been slutty to have had sex with no protection

Line illustration of a woman.

Once I took the morning after pill, I felt happy that I had plucked up the courage to get it

Line illustration of a woman.

I went to the pharmacy to get the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

He told me the condom broke and I should get the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I got the morning after pill after a one night stand

Line illustration of a woman.

I learnt my lesson: check the expiry date before using condoms

Line illustration of a woman.

I had a one night stand and felt I needed the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I’m happily married and don’t want another baby

Line illustration of a woman.

I’m glad I took the morning after pill, it made me feel relieved

Line illustration of a woman.

I knew about EllaOne from a TV advert and decided to order it

Line illustration of a woman.

He gave me a slap on the wrist for not being more careful

Line illustration of a woman.

My boyfriend took me to the pharmacy to get the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I didn’t regret taking the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

My boyfriend and I aren’t ready to have a child so I took the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I knew it wasn’t the right time for me to have a baby

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve taken the morning after pill 3 or 4 times in my 20s

Line illustration of a woman.

I went to the pharmacy on my lunch break

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve used the morning after pill while travelling abroad

Line illustration of a woman.

I initially felt really embarrassed to go and get the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

The questions still stick with me to this day

Line illustration of a woman.

The condom broke on a Friday night with my long term partner

Line illustration of a woman.

I was so drunk that I wasn’t sure if a condom had been used

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve taken the morning after pill four times

Line illustration of a woman.

I have taken the morning after pill four times over 15 years

Line illustration of a woman.

I had sex with a friend of mine and forgot I wasn’t on the pill anymore

Line illustration of a woman.

I’m only in university and it wouldn’t have been a good time to have a child

Line illustration of a woman.

I got caught up in the moment and had unprotected sex

Line illustration of a woman.

It was my decision to get the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

She gave me a sympathetic smile and said ‘don’t worry’

Line illustration of a woman.

I wasn’t going to take the morning after pill at first

Line illustration of a woman.

He said it was my problem because I should have been on the pill

Line illustration of a woman.

The fact that you now have a choice is incredible

Line illustration of a woman.

My partner was an idiot and “forgot” to pull out

Line illustration of a woman.

The pharmacist wasn’t prepared to give me the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve taken the morning after pill 3 times

Line illustration of a woman.

I tried to tell myself not to feel ashamed

Line illustration of a woman.

I found this collection of stories incredibly heartening

Line illustration of a woman.

They gave me the “use condoms” talk

Line illustration of a woman.

I took the morning after pill and it was fine

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve taken the morning after pill three times in my life

Line illustration of a woman.

I saw a tv ad for ellaOne in the cinema

Line illustration of a woman.

The stigma surrounding the morning after pill gives me anxiety

Line illustration of a woman.

I decided the best thing to do was to take ellaOne

Line illustration of a woman.

The woman issuing the pill asked me if I’d had a one night stand

Line illustration of a woman.

I felt no judgement from the male pharmacist

Line illustration of a woman.

I have taken the morning after pill a handful of times

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve taken the morning after pill a few times since I’ve been sexually active

Line illustration of a woman.

My GP wasn’t judgemental about me getting emergency contraception

Line illustration of a woman.

I bought the morning after pill after my contraceptive patch fell off

Line illustration of a woman.

I don’t feel guilty about taking the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

We decided we don’t want kids, so we use condoms and the pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I took the morning after pill after losing my virginity

Line illustration of a woman.

I took ellaOne with no problems. I didn’t have any side effects

Line illustration of a woman.

I found myself at the chemist seeking emergency contraception

Line illustration of a woman.

My experiences of taking the morning after pill has been largely positive

Line illustration of a woman.

I’m glad I had the option to use the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I took emergency contraception when the condom had split without either of us noticing

Line illustration of a woman.

My boyfriend went to the store to ask for the morning after pill for me

Line illustration of a woman.

I first took the morning after pill when I was 16 and hadn’t even had sex

Line illustration of a woman.

I told the pharmacist that the person I had slept with had not worn a condom

Line illustration of a woman.

I am 43 years old and I just did not want anymore children

Line illustration of a woman.

The next day we realised we hadn’t touched the condoms we brought with us

Line illustration of a woman.

The condom broke, so I took the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

The first time I used the morning after pill, I was in my late teens

Line illustration of a woman.

My husband was waiting for his vasectomy when the condom broke

Line illustration of a woman.

Just like many women, I was nervous about how the pharmacists would act

Line illustration of a woman.

It had been a really hectic week and I’d forgotten to take my pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I have a latex allergy and didn’t have any latex free condoms with me

Line illustration of a woman.

I took ellaOne and left the guy I was seeing

Line illustration of a woman.

The morning after pill was fine, I feel like the staff were very professional

Line illustration of a woman.

The pharmacist gave me two options and I chose ellaOne

Line illustration of a woman.

I have never felt ashamed to get or take the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I used an online pharmacy service to buy the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I’ve thankfully never felt judged when getting the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

No one but me can make such an important decision about my body

Line illustration of a woman.

I was so angry about the male pharmacists reaction

Line illustration of a woman.

I left that clinic feeling like a promiscuous harlot

Line illustration of a woman.

I went to the chemist to collect the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I never had any issues with the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

I started to throw up a few weeks after taking the morning after pill

Line illustration of a woman.

They told me to come back the next day

Line illustration of a woman.

We have a new baby and my husband and I weren’t willing to risk another pregnancy